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Well-Being Coaching

Well-Being Programmes

As a busy professional woman you might be struggling with your energy levels, ‘the juggle’ and achieving work/life balance?  I support professional women to make time for the activities that really make a difference and give your life a deeper value.  I’ll support you to get enough sleep, exercise, connecting time, down time, ‘flow’, mindfulness, and fun to help you to regain cognitive balance and reduce your levels of anxiety and stress.

My well-being programme is based on ‘The Healthy Mind Platter’ by David Rock and Daniel Siegel and ensures that you create new healthy habits to get the right balance for you for optimum brain performance and mental health.

Coaching Conversations

The coaching I deliver is underpinned by neuroscience, positively framed, and looks to your future not the past.  At each well-being session we’ll assess where you are now, where you want to get to and develop strategies and actions to get you there.  We’ll track how much time you spend on each mental activity to deepen your awareness and create a roadmap for the ultimate work/life and cognitive balance.

What You Can Expect

Each session focuses on your inspiring well-being goals, your vision and the plan.  Typically 120 minutes delivered on-line each month to ensure accountability and progress.  I will always consider what is going on for you around your coaching so you can ‘clear the space’ to discover self-awareness, clarity and focus.  You will find that you create new healthy habits that can have a positive influence on all areas of your life.

If you’d like to discover the ultimate work/life and cognitive balance book a free 30 minute consultation.  To find out more about my fees, head over to my Fees page.

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